
Morgan Nowland

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I found home in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  I was raised by two amazing parents who didn’t know there were other channels outside of HGTV. For obvious reasons this would play a major role in leading me down the road of architectural photography.

Photography wasn’t my first passion however. I had a pair of drumsticks in my hands as early as 7 years old. Music has always been a passenger to every journey in my life. I found myself in a handful of bands shaking dust from the walls of countless garages throughout my grade school and college years.

I pursued my upper level education in Industrial Design, but later switched to Sociology. The basic training in shape, color, and use of space I received from my industrial design courses was incredibly valuable to me. I chose sociology because I've always been fascinated with how people communicate with each other. I explored the interactions between men and women, business and government, producer and consumer, and the powers of race, gender, and socio-economic status.

It was in college that I really started spending time behind a camera. It was through the viewfinder where I found that all of my passions and formal education came together into a single place of expression, observation, and creativity. With that revelation I decided that I would never be without a camera again.

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